Who Can I Help ? 

As an experienced counselling psychologist I am trained to work with people who present with a multitude of mental health issues. The aim of therapy is to help a person increase their psychological self-awareness, encourage emotional expression, and learn new ways to cope with distress. As such I will help anyone who contacts me with any of the following mental health difficulties or associated problems:

Post Traumatic or Acute Stress 

Bereavement, Loss and Grief

Coping with Sexual Assault and/or Rape

Self-identity issues or Existential crisis of being

Emotional Instabilty - Under regulated or Over regulated emotional expression

Suicidal Ideation and issues with Self-Harm

Personality Disorders - (e.g.  Narcissistic Personality Disorder; Borderline Personality Disorder; Avoidant Personality Disorder) 

Childhood abuse or trauma (sexual; emotional; physical)

Clerical or Institutional abuse

Coping with Domestic and/or relational abuse

Physical or Emotional Bullying

Gender Identity issues

Sexual Identity issues

Generalised Anxiety

Social Anxiety and Performance Anxiety

Obsessive Thoughts and Compulsive Behaviours

Fear of Missing Out

Fears and Phobias 

Panic Attacks 

Academic Stress (Exam Stress - Junior or Leaving Cert; University/Third level studies; Post-Graduate; Post-Doctorate)

Stress Management - Finding a Work-Life Balance

Anger Management

Mood Management - Low Mood and/or Emotional Distress

Cultural Acclimatization

Relationship issues - Marital divorce/separation or Romantic break-up

Familial Relationship issues

Coping with physical illness or diagnosis (i.e Cancer)

Coping with Disability and/or Acquired Brain Injury

Developmental (Childhood) issues 

Depression, Isolation, Loneliness

Low Self-Esteem and/or Low Self-Worth

Eating Disorders and Body-image issues

Autism Spectrum Disorders

And any other mental health issue that has not been named here. Please contact Dr Peter Clare at drpclarecounselling@gmail.com to book an initial counselling session.